About Andrea

Andrea Rose Miller was born January 4 th, 1988 in Bakersfield, California. At the age of one, Andrea was diagnosed with Medullablastoma, a very rare type of brain cancer. Doctors gave Andrea a 10% chance of survival, even then, it was likely she would never walk, talk or pass the third grade. The prognosis for her quality of life and even survival were quite bleak. After battling cancer for two years, Andrea beat the odds. Andrea’s survival through two brain operations, radiation and a year of chemo therapy does not come without consequences: she has no hair in the back of her head, loss of balance occasionally, diminished fine motor skills, lack of good hand-eye coordination, slight deafness, and weak eyesight.
Despite the physical challenges she experienced, Andrea first heard of others a world away who faced distinct but very real challenges - the girls in an orphanage in Kerala, India. Although just a teenager, her tender heart was touched by those girls’ needs of food and shelter, and she began a fundraising campaign that has since brought in several hundred thousand dollars over the years. She painted a picture, selling the prints as a gift to all those who donated to her cause. Andrea continued her campaign writing a book of poetry. She founded the Andrea Miller Foundation, a non-profit, charitable organization that provides support and services to orphans/needy children throughout the world.
At age seventeen, Andrea was diagnosed with Epilepsy and Complex seizure disorder. She has gone through her fair share of struggles. Andrea’s deep faith in God motivates her in all that she does. Believing that He created her exactly as she is for a purpose, Andrea uses her challenges as a platform to bring attention to those who are less fortunate. Adversity has given her a forum by which she can bring hope to others. Andrea has come to grips with her circumstances, because she has come to grips with her faith.
Andrea has authored 3 books and her current artistic project, seashell art crosses that she designs and produces, are in such high demand that she can barely keep up with the orders.
Having received a Seizure Assistance Dog named, Drake, she can enjoy a greater degree of independence. This is crucial, because the young author, poet, artist, and entrepreneur has a lot she wants and needs to accomplish. Andrea puts it simply, “God is good all the time.†Her life is proof of that truth.
Andrea presently lives in Minnesota. She continues to work for the Andrea Miller Foundation, raising money for orphan/needy children throughout the world.